This 6-lesson mini-course from The Great Conversation 1+4 class explores Herodotus, “the Father of History,” and how his work harmonizes with the biblical narrative and how it testifies to God’s providential involvement in human history to bring about the salvation of the world.
In Wilson Hill’s The Great Conversation courses, students engage in the longstanding dialogue about universal experiences, historical events, and philosophical ideas. Contained in what are known as the Great Books, this dialogue encapsulates the questions that have been asked and answered since the beginning of time and has shaped every aspect of Western civilization. In these courses, we engage the dialogue using a chronological and integrated approach to benefit from the context that each genre (literature, history, theology and philosophy) provides for the others. We do not study these writings from a supposedly neutral perspective, but rather from the context of the biblical worldview. The ultimate goal is that, as students learn to love what is good, true, and beautiful in these works, they will grow in their love of God and neighbor.